WotR SBG - Turn Four MOVES
At the end of round 4 the following battles need to be resolved:
- Arnor vs Angmar (in Angmar)
- Arnor vs Isengard (in Tharbad)
- Angmar vs Gladhrim (in Carrock)
- High Elves vs Moria (in Troll Shaw)
- Harad vs Gondor for Minas Tirith
- Mordor & Harad vs Gondor (in South Ithilien)
- Mordor vs Dwarves (inVale of Celduin)
- Eastern Kingdoms vs Dwarves (in North Dorwinion)
- Eastern Kingdoms vs Dwarf non army (in Northern Rhun)
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Map at end of turn 4 movement |
Below are the list of army moves and tactical points spent:
1. Isengard & Dunland - move up turn order
- Army 1 - North Dunlnad to Tharbad
- Army 2 - staying in Isengard
2. Mordor - Militia
- Army 1 - Southern Rhovanion to Vale of Celduin
- Army 2 - North ithilien to South Ithilien
3. Gondor & Fiefdoms - Militia
- Army 1 - Anfalas to Lamedon
- Army 2 - attacked in southern ithilien
4. Rohan & Wanders in the Wild - Militia
- Army 1 - Western Emyn Muir to Westement
- Army 2 - Isen to gap of Rohan
5. Moria & Goblin Town - Major Terrain inFords of Bruinen
- Army 1 - Moria East to Dol Guldur.
- Army 2 – Fords of Isen to Trollshaws.
6. Rivendel & Lindon - Major Terrain Troll Shaw
- Army 1 - Evendim to Tower Hills.
- Army 2 - remain in Troll shaw
7. Easterlings & Khand - scouting
- Army 1 - southern dorwiniom to north dorwiniom
- Army 2 - Eastern Rhun to Northern Rhun
8. Harad and Umbar - Militia
- Army 1 - East Harondor moving to South Ithilien
- Army 2 - Lossarnach to Minas Tirith
9. Lothlorien & Mirkwood - Militia
- Army 1 - Rhosgobel to Gladden fields
- Army 2 - Mirkwood to Carrock
10. Durins Folk & Army of Thror -scouting
- Army 1 - being attacked
- Army 2 - being attacked
11. Arnor & Shire - militia
- Army 1 - Arnor to Angmar
- Army 2 - being attacked
12. Azogs Hunters, Gundbad & Angmar
- Army 1 - being attacked
- Army 2 - being attacked
Army orders 1:
1. Harad and Umbar- Pelegir to Lossarnoch (attacking city)